So, What Is Partnership?
‘Nothing in my understanding of God’s provision for our walking in daily victory – especially in their generation – is more alive in me than His revelation of the power of covenant partnership’
God Designed Partnership as a Means of Manifesting His Anointing in the Earth.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Phillippi and said, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you ……… for you fellowship in the gospel” (Phillippians 1:3-5)
Here the word ‘fellowship’ can also be translated as ‘partnership’. It describes a covenant relationship between two parties that have common interests. The purpose of their partnership or covenant relationship is to accomplish something that neither of them could do alone.
There are different ways in which you can be a Partner with Witness Ministries.
A Prayer Partner : Prayer is a major part of this partnership exchange.
When you pray for my team and me, you are praying for somebody in distress, since we are praying for that man. And when he prays for us, he is praying for you. And on and on it goes ……… around the world. That’s how God designed it. It is partaking of each others grace.
A Seed Partner : Faith follows the law of seed time and harvest.
The law of sowing and reaping is a law of God’s Kingdom which governs the Earth and all material matters, natural and spiritual. A seed gift is a love offering sowed as a ‘Seed for the Need’.
A Pledge Partner : A pledge is a set amount given usually for some specific purpose for a set period of time.
A Donation Partner : A donation is usually a one time gift perhaps for something we feel deeply inspired to support.
A Tithe Partner : A Tithe is qualitatively different from donations and pledges.
Tithing is a personal spiritual discipline not a fund-raising technique. Pledges and donations are made above & beyond our tithe. For the sake of seeing tithing as your spiritual practice, don’t consider seed gift, donations and pledges, substitute for the tithe.
Some Important Questions on Tithe :
What is Tithe?
Ans: The word ‘Tithe’ is derived from a word ‘tenth’. It means giving the first ten percent of your earnings to God. It is only after tithing that we consider our own bills and expenses.
Tithing is an act of faith. This is an agreement we make privately in our own hearts with God.
Why Tithe?
Ans: Tithing is a command of God. Tithing spiritualizes our attitude towards money and makes it possible for God to use us as channels for His work. Tithing releases the blessing of God as per Malachi (3:10-12)
How do I Tithe?
Ans: Attitude is very important when we tithe. It has to be done not out of compulsion but with a cheerful attitude. (2 Cor 9:7)
How much is enough?
Ans: The root meaning of the word tithe is ‘tenth’. However some people tithe considerably more than ten percent …. (Tithers like J. R. Letourneav, the construction equipment manufacturer, tithes 90%). If we choose a percentage that is lower, the act becomes so effortless that it slips from our consciousness. This kind of tithing doesn’t require us to raise our faith, which is necessary in order to draw God’s response (2 Cor 9:6).
Can my Tithe be in the form of Service?
Ans: No, not truly. Service helps to spiritualize our attitude towards work, whereas tithing helps to spiritualize our attitude toward money. It would be like – hoping that exercising hard on the right side of your body will strengthen the left side as well.
Tithing, like service is an opportunity to give Both are, however, different from each other. Often it is harder for people to tithe than to serve, We have to ‘give-up’ our hard-earned money (at least that’s, how we think of it) and to often, the desire to give service instead is a rationalization against what seems to be a larger sacrifice.
But the truth is the more we give freely for ourselves the more joy we experience. Thus the larger sacrifice becomes the ever expanding source of joy.
Where should I Tithe?
Ans: Since tithing directly to God is not possible, we give our tithe to His work instead. What is His work in this world? - It is that which inspires us to know God and learn His ways. Heb 7:8 says – here mortal man receives tithes. Here, make sure your tithe goes where God directs you to tithe where you receive the Word of God which is His food for you. E.g. One pays the bill for food in the restaurant where he ate and not in another place.
What if my spouse disagrees?
Ans: One of the major causes of arguments among couples is money, and one spouse may oppose giving a tenth to God’s work. However, if both spouses are believers, they should have a desire to please the Lord.
It’s important for both spouses to be trained in God’s principles of finance. That way, they’ll understand that tithing is ordained by God, not just a personal desire that the wife is trying to impose on the husband, or vice versa.
In cases involving a non-believer wife, the husband must obey the Lord’s direction. He must realize, however, that the Lord is more concerned about his wife’s soul than his money. If tithing becomes a stumbling block to his wife, he should consider not tithing temporarily in order to win his wife to the Lord.
If the non-believer spouse is the husband, then the believing wife should submit to his wishes, trusting that her submissive attitude may win him to the Lord (1 Peter 3:1-6). She may still ask him to let her give an amount smaller than the tithe for at least a year. If, at the end of a year, they are worse off financially as a result of her giving, she will cease to give. But if they are better off, she will be allowed to give more.
In Malachi 3:10, the Lord says to test Him in tithing. Often, this is just the opportunity for God to prove Himself to an unbelieving spouse.
Should we tithe from Gross or Net income?
Ans: There appears to be some confusion as to whether we should calculate our tithe based on our gross incomes (before taxes and other deductions) or net incomes (after taxes and other deductions).
According, to Proverbs 3:9-10, God has asked for our first fruits, which is the first and best of all that we receive.
Therefore, we should tithe from our gross, or total, income before taxes. When we calculate our tithes based on net income, we put the government ahead of God.
Can I direct how my Tithe is being used?
Ans: The tithe is God’s and so it is God’s to use. When we tithe, we should relinquish any thought of it belonging to us.
Tithing is an act of faith and includes the faith that those who handle the tithes will use them as God wishes.
Discover the Power of Partnership!God wants you to be a part of something Big – right where you are.
We want to join in covenant with you and watch as God does BIG things through our combined anointings.
Partnership is a Two-way Exchange of God’s Grace & Power.
In Times of Need ……….. We Need Each Other .If Jesus needed the prayers and support of His partners ………If the Apostle Paul needed the prayers and support of His Partners ………….., my Team and I certainly need the prayers and support of our Partners to complete what God has called us to do.
TOGETHER WITH GOD -Nothing is impossible !
TOGETHER WITH GOD- we can make a difference in this world !
We would love to Hear from You!

So, How To Partner?
Please send your Cheques/ Drafts/ Money Order drawn in favour of ‘Witness Ministries’ to:
Witness Ministries
Yashodeep, E-6, C-Wing, 2-7, Sec-22, Koparkhairane,NaviMumbai-400709, Maharashtra, India
You can also deposit Cheque / Cash DIRECTLY in any State Bank of India (SBI) Branch or ATM near to your locality in India.
Cheque to be drawn in favor of ‘Witness Ministries’.
Incase of SBI branch is not available , you can approach any bank and tell them to transfer the payment to SBI bank account.
State Bank of India /
Savings A/c :33798741650
Branch Code :10331
IFSC Code :SBIN0010331
Branch :Koparkhairane,
Navi Mumbai 400709
Thank You For Deciding To Partner With Us To Share The Hope Of Jesus Christ